Skot Leach Apps

Able Black 3.0
Skot Leach
Able Black is an immersive story experiencethat uses images and sound to guide you through a series ofpuzzles.Story:Able is a lonely android struggling with his Citizenship Exam, atest he must pass if he doesn’t want to be shut down. Follow Ableas he searches for purpose and a way out of isolation. Discover thesecrets of Ark 19, an underground habitat designed to save humanityfrom disaster. Find out why Able has been left alone in the ark.Uncover what’s hidden there. Take the Citizenship Exam and discoverwho Able Black really is.Gameplay:Navigate through five chapters of story text and experience theCitizenship Exam as Able does. After each chapter you’ll be facedwith a series of questions that put you in the shoes of Able Black.Answer poetic riddles that echo the theme of each chapter. Solvecryptic puzzles to unlock Able’s story.Able Black is part story, part game, and full of secrets.This experience includes puzzles that some users may findchallenging. If you need some help head to orvisit the Able Black Facebook me @skotleach
Able Black
Skot Leach
Able Black is story driven puzzle game about a lonely androidfacingextinction